Thursday, January 31, 2013

Apple's iPhone users spend more per month than users of other smartphones

Apple has made its name over the years - so if you want to be a Apple user, be prepared to pay the price.

Yes, a recent data shows that collected is from October to December 2012 and shows that 59 percent of the iPhone users surveyed spent more than $100 per month on their plan with 10 percent of those users spending $200 or more. Only 6 percent spent $50 or less, as compared to other smartphone users.

On the other hand, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry users spend less per month to use their smartphones, according to data by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners that was acquired by AllThingsD. It seems that the higher costs come from carriers charging more for iPhone data plans and additional wireless fees.

The data shows that 56% using Windows phone and 53% using Android may $100 a month.

via C|net


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